PROJECT TITLE: Foldable First Lego League (FLL) tables
Scout Name: Vishnu Rao
Planned Start Date: June 22nd, 2024
Location: 1735 Bates Rd, Alpharetta, GA 30009 (My House)
Fundraising End Date: June 15th, 2024
Fundraising Target: $700
Project Description: Hello! My name is Vishnu Rao. I am a Life scout who is a part of Troop 841 in the Atlanta Area Council. My eagle project consists of building two foldable First Lego League (FLL) competition tables. These tables will serve the community by fostering STEM development throughout our community and help K-6th graders explore their interests within STEM. I need ~$700 to purchase materials such as wood, screws, and other necessary tools.
Thank you for your generosity!