24th Annual Christmas Tree Pickup

January 2025 marks the Twenty-fourth year that Troop 841 has been helping residents of the North Fulton area dispose of their Christmas trees.

We are excited to offer this service once again.

It’s easy!! Please just follow the simple instructions which follow.

Step 1 – Reserve Pickup Slot

  • Before 8pm on Wednesday, January 01, use the reservation form below to reserve a pickup-slot. We charge $15 per tree.

Step 2 – Put tree(s) out at mailbox

  • Before 8.30am on Saturday, January 04, place your tree(s) at the end of your driveway
  • VERY IMPORTANT: In previous years, we looked for cash/check payments in the mailbox, but we have switched to online payment. Please do not leave any valuables in your mailbox!

Step 3 – Forget all about it!

  • Sometime during the day on Saturday January 04, the Scouts will stop by and collect your tree(s). They will deliver the trees to a local recycling facility.
  • You do not have to be at home.
  • Note that some years the boys worked late into the night to collect trees. Please bear with us if yours has not been collected during the day!

If you need to get in touch, please email treepickup841@gmail.com

Intrepid Scout parents will be checking for messages and are happy to help!


Because of the large area we have to cover in a restricted time period, we can only accept pickups for addresses which fall within the boundaries shown on the map.

We can collect flocked trees. This was a problem in the past, but has been resolved. We can also collect natural wreaths will all metal, plastic, string, etc removed.


Click the map for a larger view


Some folks are not able to see the form in their phone. If you are experiencing this issue, please refresh the page in your phone, as this seems to resolve the problem. If that doesn’t work, please register on your computer and we will scoop up your tree in January!